Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The rock beach of Busan @ 태종대 Taejongdae

Every time I visit Busan, my head is full of thoughts of food. Little did I know Busan is rich with magnificent cliff beach views! The last time I visited Busan, I've only travel around taking the subway because yes I am a coward and I have bad sense of direction. So I could only travel as far as the subway could go. But this time, I had a Korean friend who was kind enough to lead me to the bus and all the way to Taejongdae. We took the bus at Nampo which would directly bring us to Taejongdae.

부산에서 먹거리 말고 볼거리도 많아! 부산은 바다랑 가까워서 경치가 예쁜 곳이 진짜 많아. 경치가 정말 장난 아니야... 저번에 부산에 갔을때 지하철만 타고 여기저기 구경을 하니까 멀리 갈수 없고 지하철을 타고 갈수 있는 곳만 갔어 ㅜㅜ 이번엔 친구 덕분에 버스를 탔어! 남포동에 있는 버스 정류장에서 버스를 타고 태종대까지 갔어~

I was glad that it did not rain that day. Although the weather was kinda warm, there were still a lot of people who went all the way to Taejongdae! I guess it was a great day for a day out.
After getting off the bus, I headed to the train ticket booth, which took me around 10 minutes by foot from the bus station. It was so tiring honestly. I bought a chilled beverage called Pocari Sweat, didn't know what it was at first, it was surprisingly a taste that I am more than familiar with. It tasted exactly like 100plus. Except that 100plus is way sweeter.

그 날에 비가 안 와서 다행이다. 날씨가 덥지만 태종대까지 오는 사람들 진짜 많았어.
버스를 내려서 다누비라는 열차 매표소까지 가면 10분정도 걸어야해... 갔다가 편의점에서  Pocari Sweat 라는 음료수를 사서 먹었어. 처음 먹었는데 아주 익숙한 맛이 었어ㅎㅎ 우리 나라에서도 맛이 비슷한 음료수가 있어! 100plus 라고 하는 음료수! 근데 우리 나라의 음료수가 더 달아

So my friend bought the Danubi train ticket from the ticket booth. It costed 3000 won per adult.
친구가 매표소에서 다누비 열차 승차권을 샀어. 어른 한명은 3천원이야.

After purchasing the tickets, you can just queue in the line to wait for the Danubi train. Danubi train is a cute train that transport people to where the observatory is. The cons is that there is no air conditioner in the train. People were sweating and the weather was warm so it was kinda stuffy. The train moves very slow because it is all slopes so there was no wind blowing in to the moving train. You can opt out if you want and walk up by yourself but it will be a challenge.

승차권을 사고 줄을 서서 열차를 기다리면 돼.  이 다누비 열차가 귀엽지만 안에 에어컨이 안 틀어줘서 더웠어 ㅜㅜ 기차 안 타고 걸어서 전망대까지 가도 되는데 나는 열차를 타고 가도 힘들어서 추천안할거야 (등산보다 더 힘들것같은데 도전하고 싶은 사람... 도전 해보세요 ㅎㅎ) 그래서 친구랑 태종대 전망대에 내렸어!

Taejongdae's scenery is so breathtaking. All these while I have only seen photos of Taejongdae but being presently here is such a beauty. The cliff is not that high. The colour of the water is so beautiful.

태종대 경치가 정말 예쁘다! 예전에 사진만 봐도 예뻐보이는데 실제로 보니까 숨이 막힘~

I wanted to get closer to the beach so I went down a flight of stairs!
Although my feet was hurting and my body was aching, getting closer to the beach and feeling the breeze brushing through my face was the best feeling ever.

근데 바다랑 더 가까이 가고싶어서 아주 긴 계단을 내려갔어 ㅎㅎ
다리 아프고 몸도 힘들었지만 내가 좋아하는 바다를 가까이 볼수 있으니까 기분이 좋았어 

바람이 엄청 불어서 파도도 많이 쳤어. 바다를 보니까 진짜 아름다운 그림인것같아. 
그리고 등대에 올라갈수도 있었는데 계단을 너무 많이 올라가야해서 딱 보고 포기해야겠다는 생각을 했어 ㅎㅎ

The sun wasn't scorching when I went to the observatory, so it was a relief. But even so, I was carrying my backpack and I was sweating profusely.

전망대에 갔을때 햇볕이 그렇게 뜨겁지 않아서 좋았어... 안 그래도 무거운 가방을 들고 계단을 많이 올라가니까 땀이 미친 듯이 흘렸어 ㅜㅜ


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